Constance Renken is a German visual artist based in Hamburg. She lived in New York City for five years where her artwork has been exhibited in galleries in Chelsea, in SoHo and on Long Island.


The years in New York had a huge impact on the development of her art creation process. Fascinated by the American Abstract Expressionism, her art also focuses on emotion and spontaneity.


In her abstract, colorful artwork Constance Renken processes acrylic paints with spatula on canvas in order to give each painting a different surface structure and more depth due to many layers of paint. Her color composition is thereby inspired by moods from encounters with people, but also by events that fascinate her and touch her emotionally. The more extreme and expressive the color contrasts, the more intense are the emotions that revolve around this memory.


“Every now and then in life you meet people besides your loved ones who touch and fascinate you in a very distinctive way. For me, these special encounters are tied to very intense and long lasting thoughts that I feel the need to process by creating art. When I’m connecting with my art it feels like freedom … beyond daily routine and social conventions … very special and fulfilling. Every piece of art is a part of me and my own story.”


Starting off with more figurative paintings in her early years, Constance's art has evolved into a stage of abstract motives over the past fifteen years. Her artwork often has an association with nature which is evoked by the recurring horizon line in her paintings. This gives the viewer a point of orientation in the abstract interplay of colors, so that an imaginary expanse can arise which evokes a certain wanderlust and a longing for freedom. 


Her paintings are regularly shown in national and international solo and group exhibitions as well as at art fairs and festivals. They are in private and public collections. In the last five years, her work has been exhibited as a part of the Artbox.Projects in Miami, Barcelona, ​​Venice, Basel and Zurich. In 2021 she was selected as one of the semi-finalists at the Swiss Art Expo with her work "Afterglow" in Zurich.


In addition, Constance Renken supports the worldwide water projects of Viva con Agua with her art, among others at the Millerntor Gallery, where her paintings are successfully auctioned off by the auction house CHRISTIE'S.




2024           SWISS ART  EXPO – ZURICH 6.0 Artbox.Project, SBB Event Hall, Zurich, Switzerland 

2024           ST. PAULI – 100 BLICKWINKEL - Millerntor-Stadium FC St. Pauli, Hamburg, Germany

2023           UNITED CHARITY ART AUCTION – NCL-Stiftung, Hamburg, Germany

2023           MILLERNTOR GALLERY #11  CHARITY AUCTION – Millerntor-Stadium FC St. Pauli, Hamburg, Germany

2023           ART BASEL WEEK - BASEL 2.0 Artbox.Project – EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg, Switzerland

2022           MIAMI 3.0 Artbox.Project – Art Basel Art Week, Miami, Florida

2022           ART MEETS AK. – Stadthöfe Hamburg, Germany

2022           MILLERNTOR GALLERY #10 CHARITY AUCTION – Millerntor-Stadium FC St. Pauli, Hamburg, Germany

2022           VENEZIA 1.0 Artbox.Project – Tana Art Space, Venice, Italy

2022           HAMBURG COFFEE FESTIVAL 2022 – Museum der Arbeit "Alte Fabrik", Hamburg, Germany

2022           KUNSTMEILE BLANKENESE 2022 – Blankeneser Bahnhofstraße, Hamburg, Germany

2022           VIVA CON AGUA ART X CHRONEXT – CHRONEXT Lounge Hamburg, Germany

2021           CHARITY AUCTION – Viva con Agua ARTS, Barlach Halle K, Hamburg, Germany

2021           ALSTERART 2021 – Alstertal-Einkaufszentrum, Hamburg, Germany

2021           HEIDEKULTOUR – Das Atelier, Hanstedt, Germany

2021           SWISS ART  EXPO – ZURICH 3.0 Artbox.Project, semi-finalist, SBB Event Hall, Zurich, Switzerland 

2021           ST. PAULI – 100 BLICKWINKEL - Millerntor-Stadium FC St. Pauli, Hamburg, Germany

2021           BLACK & WHITE - Art Gallery, Pennsylvania

2021           BARCELONA 1.0 Artbox.Project – Valid World Hall Gallery, Barcelona, Spain 

2021           ARTSY – Constance Renken on Artsy,

2020          ART CREATES WATER CALENDAR 2021 – Viva con Agua ARTS, Hamburg, Germany

2020          EXHIBITION – Artbox.Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland

2020          ARTSY – Constance Renken on Artsy,

2020          SWISS ART  EXPO – ZURICH 2.0 Artbox.Project, SBB Event Hall, Zurich, Switzerland 


2020          EXHIBITION – Artbox.Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland

2020          TANZSPEKTAKEL VERBINDUNGEN – Lost ... But Found, Burg Seevetal, Germany

2019           HAMBURG ZEIGT KUNST– Hamburg Cruise Center Altona, Hamburg, Germany

2019           MIAMI 2.0 Artbox.Project – Art Basel Art Week, Miami, Florida

2019           HAMBURG ZEIGT KUNST – Überseeboulevard, HafenCity, Hamburg, Germany

2019           SHOW IT – Artbox.Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland

2019           SWISS ART  EXPO – ZURICH 1.0 Artbox.Project, SBB Event Hall, Zurich, Switzerland 

2019           FRIENDS EXHIBITION – Ceres Gallery, New York, NY

2019           MILLERNTOR GALLERY #9  CHARITY AUCTION – Millerntor-Stadium FC St. Pauli, Hamburg, Germany

2019           ART AUCTION "LEBENSKÜNSTLER" – NCL-Stiftung, Hamburg, Germany

2018           FRIENDS EXHIBITION – Ceres Gallery, New York, NY

2018           ALSTERART 2018 – Alstertal-Einkaufszentrum, Hamburg, Germany

2017           ALTONALE KUNSTHERBST 2017 – Hamburg Cruise Center Altona, Hamburg, Germany

2017           KÜNSTLERINNEN SEHEN BUXTEHUDE – Marschtorzwinger, Buxtehude, Germany

2017           FRIENDS EXHIBITION – Ceres Gallery, New York, NY

2006          LOOKING IN LOOKING OUT – Ceres Gallery, New York, NY

2006          NOHO NEW YORK ART WALK – Blick Art Materials, New York, NY

2005          DECEMBER 2005 – Alpan Gallery, Huntington, NY

2005          THE SQUARE SHOW – Ceres Gallery, New York, NY

2005          GALLERY ARTISTS – Alpan Gallery, Huntington, NY

2005          TIMING – Ceres Gallery, New York, NY, USA

2005          ABSTRACT ART – Lambert, Hamburg, Germany

2004          NIGHT OF 1000 DRAWINGS – Artists Space Gallery, New York, NY

2004          ABSTRACT ART – Lambert, Hamburg, Germany

2004          SINGS OF CHANCE – Ceres Gallery, New York, NY

2004          SQUARES – Lambert, Hamburg, Germany

2003          NACKT – Deutsche Bank VIP Lounge, Volkswagen Arena, Wolfsburg, Germany

2003          A LA C-ART-E – Lambert, Hamburg, Germany

2003          LANDSCHAFTEN – Deutsche Bank VIP Lounge, Volkswagen Arena, Wolfsburg, Germany

2002          ANSTOSS – Deutsche Bank VIP Lounge, Volkswagen Arena, Wolfsburg, Germany

2002          A LA C-ART-E – Lambert, Hamburg, Germany

2002          EMOTIONALE ABSTRAKTIONEN – Molkenthin & Partner, Hamburg, Germany

2002          ART GOES EPPENDORF – Farbpalette, Hamburg, Germany

2001          ABSTRAKTE MALEREI – Poster Galerie, Hamburg, Germany




2007          Man Group, New York, NY

2003          Deutsche Bank AG, Wolfsburg, Germany 




2024          ars mundi - Die Welt der Kunst, Frühjahrskatalog 2024, Constance Renken, S. 41, März 2024  

2023          ars mundi - Die Welt der Kunst, September 2023, Constance Renken, S. 64, September 2023  

2023          ars mundi - Die Welt der Kunst, Modern Art Katalog 2023, Constance Renken, S. 40, Januar 2023  

2022 - Kunstausstellung Millerntor Gallery feiert 10-jähriges Jubiläum,  14. Juni 2022,     


2022          Hamburger Abendblatt - Auf diesem Festival dreht sich alles um die Welt des Kaffees,  26. April 2022

2022 - Kunstmeile: Constance Renken, 16. April 2022   

2022          ars mundi - Die Welt der Kunst, Aprilkatalog 2022, Constance Renken, S. 62, April 2022   

2022 - Künstler*innen der Kunstmeile 2022, März 2022,   

2022          ars mundi - Die Welt der Kunst, Frühjahrskatalog 2022, Constance Renken, S. 49, Februar 2022   

2021          WELT AM SONNTAG, "Kunstvoll", Hamburg, S. 12,  28. November 2021

2021          AlsterArt, Künstler Katalog 2021, November 2021,

2021          Hamburger Abendblatt, "HeideKultour ist an diesem Wochenende", 01. September 2021

2021          Kreiszeitung Wochenblatt, "Kunst und Künstler treffen", 25. August 2021 

2021           SWISS ART  EXPO - Semi-finalist at Artbox.Project Zurich 3.o, Zurich, Switzerland, 


2021           WELT, Ausstellung "St. Pauli - 100 Blickwinkel", 08. Juli 2021

2021           SAT1 REGIONAL „St. Pauli - 100 Blickwinkel“, 08. Juli 2021,  


2021          ARTSY - Constance Renken, Artwork, Bio & Shows on Artsy,  01. Mai 2021,

2021          ars mundi - Die Welt der Kunst, Aprilkatalog 2021, Constance Renken, p. 63, März 2021   

2020         ART CREATES WATER CALENDAR 2021 - Viva con Agua ARTS, Hamburg, Germany, 20. November 2020

2020         TOGETHERNESS - Millerntor Gallery Jubiläums-Edition, Willkommen bei MTG Home, 30. Juli 2020

2020         Hamburger Abendblatt, Eine virtuelle Alternative zur "Millerntor Gallery",  07. Juli 2020

2020         ARTSY - Constance Renken, Artwork, Bio & Shows on Artsy,  23. Juni 2020,

2020         MONEYCAB - Artbox.Project in Barcelona,  24. Januar 2020

2020         HAMBURG, Tanzspektakel - Verbindungen, Januar 2020

2020         Kreiszeitung Wochenblatt, "Die HeideKultour wächst weiter",18. Januar 2020

2020         HAMBURG ZEIGT KUNST - Das kreative Festival, Hamburg Cruise Center Altona, Januar 2020,       


2019          HAMBURG-MAGAZIN - Hamburg zeigt Kunst - Das kreative Festival,  Hamburg Cruise Center Altona, Dezember 2019 

2019          HAMBURG ZEIGT KUNST - Das kreative Festival, Überseeboulevard Hamburg, September 2019,


2019          Hamburger Abendblatt, "Charity-Auktion im Millerntor-Stadtion erzielt Rekordsumme", 07. Juli 2019

2019          NDR, "Millerntor Gallery: 270.00 Euro für guten Zweck", 03. Juli 2019 

2019          Hamburger Abendblatt, "Kunstgenuss für einen guten Zweck", 03. Juli 2019

2019          URBANLIFE, "Die Millerntor Gallery #9 feiert das Recht auf Wasser", 03. Juni 2019

2019          Hamburger Abendblatt, "Kleine Geheimnisse, große Veränderungen", 02./03. Februar 2019

2018          Alstertal-Einkaufszentrum - Spannende Kunst und soziales Engagement im Hamburger Norden, Okober 2018

2018          NEW YORK ART BEAT - Gallery Guide New York - Chelsea - Ceres Gallery, "Friends Exhibition", Edition July 2018

2018          Kunsthalle Bremen -  KUNSTPREIS WHAT IS LOVE? Liebe und Dating im digitalen Zeitalter,, Juli 2018  

2018          ars mundi - Die Welt der Kunst, "Constance Renken - Neu bei ars mundi",, Mai 2018   

2017           Hamburg Journal, NDR, 28. Oktober 2017, 19:30 Uhr,

2017           Hamburger Abendblatt, "Die bunte Palette der Kunst im Hamburg Cruise Center, 28./29. Oktober 2017

2017           HAMBURG-MAGAZIN - 360° Geliebte Stadt - altonale KUNSTHERBST - Hamburg Cruise Center Altona, September 2017

2017           NEW YORK ART BEAT - Gallery Guide New York - Chelsea - Ceres Gallery, "Friends Exhibition", Edition July 2017
2017           TIEFGANG - Das Kulturfeuilleton des Südens, "Die künstlerische Sicht zählt", 29. April 2017
2017           Hamburger Abendblatt, "Stadt Buxtehude schreibt Wettbewerb für Künstler aus", 16. März 2017

2006          ART NOW - Gallery Guide New York - Chelsea - Ceres Gallery, “Looking In, Looking Out", Edition June - August 2006

2006          NoHo New York Business Improvement District, “NOHO NY ARTWALK”, April 2006

2006          The New York Times - Arts & Entertainment, “With a Little Artistic License”, Art Review, Helen A. Harrison, January 8th, 2006

2005          Alpan Gallery Online,, “December 2005”, December 2005

2005          The New York Art World Online,, “Alpan Gallery: December 2005”, December 2005

2005          ART NOW - Gallery Guide New York - Chelsea - Ceres Gallery, “The Square Show” , Edition December 2005

2005          Direct Art Magazine, Volume 12, “Constance Renken”, Edition Fall/Winter 2005

2005          ART NOW - Gallery Guide New York - Chelsea - Ceres Gallery, “Timing” , Edition June - August 2005

2005          Alpan Gallery Online,, “Selection 2005”, June 2005

2004          Creative Thriftshop, “Cause for Celebration - A Review of Night of 1,000 Drawings”, Lynn delSol, November 11th, 2004

2004          ART NOW - Gallery Guide New York - Chelsea - Ceres Gallery, “Signs of Change” , Edition June - August 2004

2004          Krzysztof Nowak-Stiftung Online:, „Kunst für einen Zweck - Farbenfrohe Akzente zur Förderung der Krzysztof

                    Nowak-Stiftung“, Januar 2004

2003          Jacques’, „Kunst - Kunst - Kunst: Constance Renken wieder im Lambert“, 05. November 2003

2002          Wolfsburger Nachrichten, „Spenden durch Kicken und Kunst – VfL gegen Bayern München: Erlöse fließen in die Krzysztof-

                    Nowak-Stiftung”,  28. Dezember 2002                

2002          Hanse Journal, „Kunst über 3 Etagen in Volksdorf“, 13. Dezember 2002

2002          Eppendorfer Wochenblatt, „Kunst für einen guten Zweck”, 13. November 2002

2002          Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Online,, „Kunstaktion Art goes Eppendorf unterstützt die  

                    Eltern-Baby-Tagesklinik des UKE, 26. August 2002                                                                         

1999           Harburger Anzeigen und Nachrichten, „Leinwand wird zum Tagebuch“, 27. November 1999

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